Working together with people who support common values and vision to achieve shared goals.

About the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to provide Australians who have a disability with the support they need to live a full and independent life.

The NDIS aims to centralise disability support for people aged under 65 and replace most state-based funding. The NDIS is for people with a permanent or significant disability which impacts their daily life.

It’s run by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), which is an independent federal government agency charged with coordinating the insurance scheme.

While navigating the NDIS may seem confusing at first, we are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today and our qualified staff will take you through the system step by step.

What the NDIS aims to achieve

While the NDIS aims to provide flexible support to cater to participants different needs, in general its purpose is to:

Help you develop greater independence.

Assist you to get more involved in the community.

Support you in finding suitable employment.

Find ways to improve your overall wellbeing.

The NDIS was rolled out in Queensland in March 2019, with the national rollout to be completed by 2020.

What the NDIS can provide

The NDIS is designed to fund reasonable and necessary supports to help people with a disability to achieve their goals.

Reasonable and necessary supports are associated with day-to-day living and help to improve a person’s participation in their community and the workforce. This may include a resource or piece of equipment, such as a wheelchair, assistive technology or home and car modifications.

There is also support and services to help you build the skills you need to live your life your way. This can include finding opportunities to work, further your education, volunteer or learn something new.

The types of supports that the NDIS may fund for participants include:

  • daily personal activities
  • transport to enable participation in community, social, economic and daily life activities
  • workplace help to allow a participant to successfully get or keep employment in the open or supported labour market
  • therapeutic supports including behaviour support
  • help with household tasks to allow the participant to maintain their home environment
  • help to a participant by skilled personnel in aids or equipment assessment, set up and training
  • home modification design and construction
  • mobility equipment, and
  • vehicle modifications.
  • While the NDIS will not fund supports and services already funded under mainstream services, they will help the person with disability connect to those services.
What does NDIS mean?

National: The NDIS is being introduced progressively across all states and territories.

Disability: The NDIS provides support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability. Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible people with disability or children with developmental delay.

Insurance: The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind if they, their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability, they will get the support they need.

Scheme: The NDIS is not a welfare system. The NDIS is designed to help people get the support they need so their skills and independence improve over time.
The NDIS can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. That’s why we’ve got NDIS experts on our team to help answer all your NDIS questions.

Am I eligible for the NDIS?

Eligibility for the NDIS depends on several factors including your location, age, and whether you meet the requirements for disability or early intervention support.

Check your NDIS eligibility on their website, or contact us and we’ll go through it with you.

Disability in Australia
  • Did you know there are around 4.3 million Australians who have a disability?
  • The NDIS will provide about 460,000 Australians aged under 65 with funding for supports and services by the time its fully rolled out in 2020.
  • On 31 March 2019 there were 277,155 Australians are accessing the National Insurance Disability Scheme
  • Including 46,036 people in Queensland are benefiting from the NDIS 85,489 Australians were receiving support for the first time via the NDIS on 31 March 2019
  • Including 12,274 people in Queensland
  • On 31 March 2019 there were 11,504 children receiving support through the NDIS Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach.
  • Including 2,949 children in Queensland
For more information about how the NDIS supports people with disability, their families, and carers, visit or call 1800 800 110.