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Stationary photo


We develop programs based on your interests and ability so it's fun and doable. The programs are consistently updated to keep up with participant interests.

School Program

We provide support to our young participants still studying at school to assist them to build life skills and confidence to achieve their goals in life. The support specialises in skills such as communication, finance management, safety and awareness especially on social media.

We also assist young participants to transition into supported employment programs. Our support covers from resume and inverview prepration, career development, mental health support to overcome the nervousness and issues expected to encounter during the employment process. 

Adult Students

Cooking Program

Who likes steak? Who likes chocolate cake?

Join us with the chef to understand more about the food we have daily and prepare a yummy meal or dessert.

All ingredients are provided. And you will take the meal you prepared back home.

Cooking Eggs

Art and Craft Program

This program helps you uncover creativity, confidence and a joy for art!

The materials will be provided for you to experiment with a selection for creative mediums, from acrylic and watercolour paining to fun life drawing. You will gain the confidence to express your thoughts and communicate effectively. 

By the end of the program, you will have some impressive artwork to take home.

Paints and Brush
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