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NDIS Services

We bring tailored care to you

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is an NDIS provision for you to live in shared accommodation with appropriate support as per your disability needs.

These homes are designed to help give you the skills and confidence you need to eventually move into your own home and live independently.

People in Supported Independent Living receive help with daily tasks including cleaning, cooking, medication, community outing and personal care (such as showering and dressing) etc.

Supported Independent Living often suits those who are unable to live on their own or with their family. We will work with you to integrate you into community while providing safe and stable living environment.

Why Choose Us? 

We individualise your NDIS goals into monthly goals and review the achievements with the supporting team together.


Support Coordination

Support coordination helps you to make the best use of your supports in plan. Support coordination is a capacity building support which helps you to:

  • Understand and use your NDIS plan to pursue your goals

  • Connect you with NDIS providers, community, mainstream and other government services

  • Build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your support

Why Choose Us?

We value your time so we provide support via the way suits you or your family the most. We keep building our network to make sure you will have the best choice of the support.

STA, MTA, ILO & Respite

We have capacity to provide the accommodation that suits your needs and funding.

ILO - Individualised living option can help you live how you want in the home environment you have chosen.

STA - Short term accommodation gives you option to have a short stay when your usual carers aren't available, or for you to try new things.

MTA - Medium term accommodation gives you the place to live while you are waiting for a long term housing solution.

Resipite - If you need a break from your daily accommodation or your carers aren't available, this is the option.

Why Choose Us?

Our suppoting team is fully qualifed with continuous onsite training. We welcome every participant and provide personalized support no matter how long you stay with us.


Assistance with Daily Life

Assistance with daily life is assistance or supervision of personal tasks during day-to-day life that enable the participant to live as independently as possible. 

These supports are provided individually to participants and can be provided in a range of environments, including your own home.

Why Choose Us?

We try to make house chores fun and at the same time will work with you to improve your skills in your capacity.

Psychosocial Recovery Coach

A psychosocial recovery coash is an NDIS funded worker that has mental health knowledge. A recovery coash will:

  • spend time with you, and people important to you, to get to know you and understand your needs

  • help you to find out about different services and supports, and how these can help you

  • help you get support from mental health services

  • help you better understand the NDIS and support you with the NDIS 

Why Choose Us?

We are here to assist not to judge. Our fully qualifed mental health coach will design a systemtic and individualise supporting plan together with you.

Attentive Therapist

Social & Community Participation

Social and community participation is about meeting people with similar interests and joining in social and community activites. It can include going to your local cafe, joining a netball team, bushwalking with a friend, art & craft classes etc.

Why Choose Us?

As a valuable community memeber, we will recommend the activies or groups based on your interests and preference. You won't be bored with lots of choices.

About NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to provide Australians who have a disability with the support they need to live a full and independent life. The NDIS aims to centralise disability support for people aged under 65 and replace most state-based funding. The NDIS is for people with a permanent or significant disability which impacts their daily life. It’s run by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), which is an independent federal government agency charged with coordinating the insurance scheme. While navigating the NDIS may seem confusing at first, we are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today and our qualified staff will take you through the system step by step. Contact us to discuss what the NDIS aims to achieve and what it can provide, and elibility criteria. You can also check out the NDIA website for further information.

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