In-home Care

What is In-home Care?

Assistance with Daily Living or In-home Care is included in the Core Supports section of NDIS Plans. It includes assistance with regular personal activities and household tasks. In-home Care aims to ensure you are feeling confident and capable in your home.

Why choose AussieCare Foundation

At AussieCare Foundation, we care about you and your goals. Often being able to feel confident and comfortable to complete your daily tasks is the foundation needed to live the life you want.

Our reason for being here is to help you live your best life.

Some of the services our professional and qualified staff can provide include:

  • Cooking
  • Yard maintenance, like lawn mowing 
  • Household cleaning, such as vacuuming and mopping
  • Basic household maintenance, such as cleaning windows
  • Personal hygiene, like showering and bathing
  • Helping you get dressed
  • Laundry

We are also able to help with regular life skills, including:

  • Making household decisions
  • Helping you choose and purchase aids and consumables, including continence and home enteral nutrition
  • General budgeting
  • Working out local travel and transport options, including the use of using public transport

We want to have you feeling comfortable and confident in your own home. We strive to give you the skills you need to live your life with as much, or as little, ongoing care and support from us.